
Ancient wars sparta persian campaign
Ancient wars sparta persian campaign

ancient wars sparta persian campaign

When Persians sound straight out of Monty Python, you should know you've done something wrong. Even the presentation of audio is aggravating at times. Who cares who you're using if most of the units basically act the same? There are some difference between the factions that matter, but at a base level, I've found no reason to favor one side over the other. This kind of design also tends to muddle any uniqueness to the factions. Picking the right guy to ride the horse as the horse walks away back to the stable is a pain. Anyone can hop on a ride on the battlefield, which makes micromanagement a bitch, and can confuse the issue even more. When you mix in armor and weapons from other factions, the visual queues on the battlefield can be very confusing. The problem is, the unit design loses focus too quickly and it's hard to keep track of what units are where and which weapons they're using. The cool part of this is that you can set up your own types of units using different combinations for different costs, armor, and damage values. Each of the weapon types (of which there are many) have different damage values and work better against certain types of enemies. Training a warrior from the basic infantry structure will give them melee first priorities while the ranged training facility will allow for ranged combat first. Each of these basic types can be outfitted with several different types of weapons. Each of the factions has light, medium, and heavily armed warriors. Sadly, one of the most interesting features also causes one of the game's worst problems. Constructing a new home base can be cost prohibitive as well as collecting gold can take a serious amount of time. It still can be a chore collecting the things when workers have to run halfway across the map to your home base. Not only does collecting these items make build times shorter for the units that use them, but also makes them much less expensive. The only way to speed up incredibly long training and upgrading processes is to gather the weapons and shields of fallen enemies in order to add them to the build queue.

ancient wars sparta persian campaign

Constructing an army can take a painfully long time. While some of the missions are paced fairly well, like one in the middle of the Egyptian campaign where you ally with Lybians, many of them are ponderous in their progression. Most of the units have only a standard attack without any special moves or formations to make gameplay more unique. If you've got some ranged units and some melee units, that's about as complex as you can get. There are very few real tactical strategies used when making your way through a map.

ancient wars sparta persian campaign

Each of the campaigns comes with a variety of missions but all of them devolve into simply massing units and attacking. Unfortunately they're compressed to hell and back and look terrible when playing on decent sized monitor. The stories in each campaign are told through pre-compressed cutscenes that use in-game assets. The game presents three campaigns following the Spartans as they unite and then fight the Persians, Egyptians as they struggle to gain a life out from under the crushing boot of King Xerxes, and finally the Persians and Xerxes rise to power and ambition. The conflict between the Greeks and the Persians of this time has become legendary thanks to the famed battle of Thermopylae where 300 Spartans (in reality they were accompanied by a couple thousand more troops from around Greece) held a narrow passage against an army of Persians nearly one million strong. Even one of the most interesting ideas in the game that allows players to outfit their own armies with different types of weapons and armor suffers because of the lack of focused units with purpose.Īncient Wars: Sparta takes place during the period of Xerxes and Leonidas. Combat is dull and devoid of many of the tactical trickeries that we see in many other real-time strategy titles and the campaigns, while occasionally interesting, don't provide a consistent stream of entertainment. This is a game we've all played before in virtually every aspect. Unfortunately, the recently released Ancient Wars: Sparta isn't going to help promote much fascination with the time period.

Ancient wars sparta persian campaign movie#

With the release of the movie 300, Spartans rekindled a glorious (if warped) life in the general population's imagination.

Ancient wars sparta persian campaign